Limitations on Support Services Offered

The primary task of Cybernet Communications Ltd. is to ensure that you can establish an internet connection with us. We are happy to assist you, should your internet connection not function properly, but we have no obligation to support any other services you may run on your computer.

As a courtesy, we are happy to assist you in setting up your e-mail program, but should we feel that the issue is not directly related to our service, we may charge a minimum half-hour technical support fee for our services.

Often, it is more convenient for you to speak with the support technicians over the phone, but if we cannot solve the issue over the phone with relative ease, it is advised that you bring your computer in.


If we determine that the issue is with your router, and we cannot solve it over the phone, please bring in the router unit and necessary cords along with your computer unit.

When you bring your computer in, all you need to bring in is the tower itself. We have the necessary cords and monitors available here at the office.

When you bring your laptop to our office, please do not forget to bring the power adapter.

If you have a Mac computer, we will need everything.










Contact us
Mon-Fri, 9am-4 pm

12-3167 Tatlow Rd
Box 2678
Smithers BC V0J 2N0

250 847.5020
fax 847.0237

e-mail us
