How To Pay Your Cybernet Bill Online With The Bulkley Valley Credit Union

  1. Log into member direct by going to and clicking on Bank online -> Personal

  2. To log in, enter your member number and access code (set up through BVCU)

  3. Once logged in, click on the 'Personal' tab. This will bring you to the 'Pay Bills' page.

  4. To add a new bill, click on 'Add a new Bill Payee'

  5. To add a new bill payee, you can either type in the name of the vendor or search by category.

  6. Once you have entered the name of the vendor you want to add, click the 'Search' button.

  7. The computer will search for any matching vendors. Once you see the vendor you wish to add, click on the name.

  8. Enter the vendor account number. (For Cybernet, your account number is your username).

  9. Click Submit

  10. You will then see confirmation that your new bill payee has been added.

  11. Click on the Payments tab to see the bill in your list of Bill Payees.

  12. You are now ready to pay your Cybernet bill.










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Mon-Fri, 9am-4 pm

12-3167 Tatlow Rd
Box 2678
Smithers BC V0J 2N0

250 847.5020
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