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Setting up and uploading your personal homepage

Design your site using HTML or an HTML editor.

Makesure that all of the files are in one folder and not linking to pictures or pages in different places on your hard drive.

Then check the size of your site:
Right clicking in the folder your page is in,
Select properties,
And check that the size is under 1,000,000 Bytes (One Megabyte)

Also check that the first page you want people to see is called index.html or index.html

Now you are ready to go!

First open the program that you are going to use to upload the page. There are many FTP (file transfer protocol) applications available. For those people needing software or having trouble, we suggest downloading a copy of Core FTP (also available in a free version) at:

Your FTP settings are:


Username: this is the same as your Cybernet username; for example if you are "" your user name is "joesmith".

Put your username into the "Username" box. Remember not to use quotes or capital letters.

Password: This is also the same as your Cybernet password.

Now one last thing:

In the Remote Directory box put "../../php/ yourusername" ( example: ../../php/joesmith )

This will make sure that you are logging into the web root for your site. this is the directory that your browser will go to looking for your page in.

Once you are logged in to the FTP server you can drag your files in your website folder from the lefthand (local) screen to the righthand (remote) screen. (if you are using a different program you may have to select the files and click upload instead)

You're done creating and uploading your personal homepage!! Now go and visit it at: (example

Hudson Bay mountain
